Zane, I like you idea. As example we may discuss some steps for it
during summit session (if it need).

Also I have another question, which probably came in your heads a lot of times:
Can we somekind improve our existing approach for validation?
we do validation twice - before create and during it.
The one issue, which I also see is:
first validation is a synchronous operation, and It takes a lot of
time, for huge stacks. May be we need to make separate state like
validation for stacks ? and maybe it also allows to solve our current
issue with build-in functions ?

On 23 March 2016 at 23:11, Zane Bitter <> wrote:
> On 23/03/16 13:14, Steven Hardy wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm looking for some help and additional input on this bug:
> Hmm, I was wondering how this ever worked, but it appears you're making
> particularly aggressive use of the list_join and map_merge Functions there -
> where you're not only getting the elements in the list of things to merge
> (as presumably originally envisioned) but actually getting the list itself
> from an intrinsic function. If we're going to support that then those
> functions need to handle the fact that the input argument may be None, just
> as they do for the list members (see the ensure_string() and ensure_map()
> functions inside the result() methods of those two Functions).
>> Basically, we have multiple issues due to the fact that we consider
>> get_attr to resolve to None at any point before a resource is actually
>> instantiated.
>> It's due to this:
>> This then causes problems during validation of several intrinsic
>> functions,
>> because if they reference get_attr, they have to contain hacks and
>> special-cases to work around the validate-time None value (or, as reported
>> in the bug, fail to validate when all would be fine at runtime).
>> I started digging into fixes, and there are probably a few possible
>> approaches, e.g setting stack.Stack.strict_validate always to False, or
>> reworking the intrinsic function validation to always work with the
>> temporary None value.
>> However, it's a more widespread issue than just validation - this affects
>> any action which happens before the actual stack gets created, so things
>> like preview updates are also broken, e.g consider this:
>> resources:
>>    random:
>>      type: OS::Heat::RandomString
>>    config:
>>      type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig
>>      properties:
>>        group: script
>>        config:
>>          foo: {get_attr: [random, value]}
>>    deployment:
>>      type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment
>>      properties:
>>        config:
>>          get_resource: config
>>        server: "dummy"
>> On update, nothing is replaced, but if you do e.g:
>>    heat stack-update -x --dry-run
>> You see this:
>> | replaced  | config        | OS::Heat::StructuredConfig     |
>> Which occurs due to the false comparison between the current value of
>> "random" and the None value we get from get_attr in the temporary stack
>> used for preview comparison:
>> after_props.get(key) returns None, which makes us falsely declare the
>> "config" resource gets replaced :(
>> I'm looking for ideas on how we solve this - it's clearly a major issue
>> which completely invalidates the results of validate and preview
>> operations
>> in many cases.
> I've been thinking about this (for about 2 years).
> My first thought (it seemed like a good idea at the time, 2 years ago, for
> some reason) was for Function objects themselves to take on the types of
> their return values, so e.g. a Function returning a list would have a
> __getitem__ method and generally act like a list. Don't try this at home,
> BTW, it doesn't work.
> I now think the right answer is to return some placeholder object (but not
> None). Then the validating code can detect the placeholder and do some
> checks. e.g. we would be able to say that the placeholder for get_resource
> on a Cinder volume would have type 'cinder.volume' and any property with a
> custom constraint would check that type to see if it matches (and fall back
> to accepting any text type if the placeholder doesn't have a type
> associated). get_param would get its type from the parameter schema
> (including any custom constraints). For get_attr we could make it part of
> the attribute schema.
> The hard part obviously would be getting this to work with deeply-nested
> trees of data and across nested stacks. We could probably get the easy parts
> going and incrementally improve from there though. Worst case we just return
> None and get the same behaviour as now.
> cheers,
> Zane.
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