Doug Hellmann <> wrote:
Excerpts from Alan Pevec's message of 2016-03-22 20:19:44 +0100:
The release team discussed this at the summit and agreed that it didn't
really matter. The only folks seeing the auto-generated versions are
those doing CD from git, and they should not be mixing different
branches of a project in a given environment. So I don't think it is
strictly necessary to raise the major version, or give pbr the hint to
do so.
ok, I'll send confused RDO trunk users here :)
That means until first Newton milestone tag is pushed, master will
have misleading version. Newton schedule is not defined yet but 1st
milestone is normally 1 month after Summit, and 2 months from now is
rather large window.
Are you packaging unreleased things in RDO? Because those are the only
things that will have similar version numbers. We ensure that whatever
is actually tagged have good, non-overlapping, versions.
RDO comes in two flavours. One is ‘classic’ RDO that builds from tarballs.
But there’s also another thing in RDO called Delorean which is RDO packages
built from upstream git heads (both master and stable/*).
More info:
It allows to install the latest and greatest from upstream heads. Two
options are available: running from ‘current’ which is unvalidated latest
heads, or rely on ‘current-passed-ci’ that points to the latest build that
was validated by CI.
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