Hi, I noticed that the coverage script is enforcing a hard limit of 4 on the number of extra missing lines introduced. We have a requirement that new drivers have 90% unit test coverage, which the ceph driver meets[1], but it's tripping up on that absolute 4 line limit.
What do folks think about tweaking the script to do a different calculation, like identifying new files and permitting 10% of the line count of the new files to be missed? Otherwise I think the 90% target is going to continually conflict with the manila-coverage CI task. Cheers, John 1. http://logs.openstack.org/11/270211/19/check/manila-coverage/47b79d2/cover/manila_share_drivers_cephfs_py.html 2. http://logs.openstack.org/11/270211/19/check/manila-coverage/47b79d2/console.html __________________________________________________________________________ OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) Unsubscribe: openstack-dev-requ...@lists.openstack.org?subject:unsubscribe http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev