We are delighted to announce the release of:

reno 1.5.0: RElease NOtes manager

With source available at:


With package available at:


Please report issues through launchpad:


For more details, please see below.


New Features

* Add the ability to limit queries by stopping at an "earliest
  version". This is intended to be used when scanning a branch, for
  example, to stop at a point when the branch was created and not
  include all of the history from the parent branch.

Changes in reno 1.4.0..1.5.0

f4e2d66 add release note for earliest-version feature
75e06c5 add earliest_version option to scanner

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

.../add-earliest-version-6f3d634770e855d0.yaml     |  6 ++++++
reno/lister.py                                     |  1 +
reno/main.py                                       | 10 +++++++++
reno/report.py                                     |  1 +
reno/scanner.py                                    |  7 ++++++-
reno/sphinxext.py                                  |  3 +++
8 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

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