
I think the easiest and the best option here is to boot iPXE or pxelinux
with NFS and put master node image onto an NFS mount. This one should work

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 1:36 AM, Andrew Woodward <>

> Unless we hope to gain some insight and specific testing by installing the
> ISO on a bare-metal node (like UEFI), I'd propose that we stop testing
> things that are well tested elsewhere (a given ISO produces a working fuel
> master) and just focus on what we want to test in this environment.
> Along this line, we cold
> a) keep fuel masternode as a VM that is set up with access to the networks
> with the BM nodes. We have a good set of tools to build the master node in
> a VM already we can just re-use time
> b) use cobbler to control PXE based ISO boot/install, then either create
> new profiles in cobbler for various fuel nodes with different ISO or
> replace the single download link. (Make sure you transfer the image over
> HTTP as TFTP will be slow for such size. We have some tools and knowledge
> around using cobbler as this is effectively what fuel does its self.
> c) fuel on fuel, as an extension of b, we can just use cobbler on an
> existing fuel node to provision another fuel node, either from ISO or even
> it's own repo's (we just need to send a kickstart)
> d) you can find servers with good BMC or DRAC that we can issue remote
> mount commands to the virtual cd-rom
> e) consider using live-cd approach (long implmentation). I've been asked
> about supporting this in product where we start an environment with
> live-cd, the master node may make it's own home and then it can be moved
> off the live-cd when it's ready
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 10:25 AM Pavlo Shchelokovskyy <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Ironic also supports running it as standalone service, w/o
>> Keystone/Glance/Neutron/Nova etc integration, deploying images from HTTP
>> links. Could that be an option too?
>> BTW, there is already an official project under OpenStack Baremetal
>> program called Bifrost [0] that, quoting, "automates the task of deploying
>> a base image onto a set of known hardware using Ironic" by installing and
>> configuring Ironic in standalone mode.
>> [0]
>> Cheers,
>> On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 6:46 PM Dennis Dmitriev <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> To run system tests on CI on a daily basis using baremetal servers
>>> instead of VMs, Fuel admin node also should be bootstrapped.
>>> There is no a simple way to mount an ISO with Fuel as a CDROM or USB
>>> device to a baremetal server, so we choose the provisioning with PXE.
>> It could be done in different ways:
>>> - Configure a libvirt bridge as dnsmasq/tftp server for admin/PXE
>>> network.
>>>       Benefits: no additional services to be configured.
>>>       Doubts: ISO should be mounted on the CI host (via fusefs?); a HTTP
>>> or NFS server for basic provisioning should be started in the admin/PXE
>>> network (on the CI host);
>>> - Start a VM that is connected to admin/PXE network, and configure
>>> dnsmasq/tftp there.
>>>       Benefits: no additional configuration on the CI host should be
>>> performed
>>>       Doubts: starting the PXE service becomes a little complicated
>>> - Use Ironic for manage baremetal nodes.
>>>       Benefits: good support for different hardware, support for
>>> provisioning from ISO 'out of the box'.
>>>       Doubts: support for Ironic cannot be implemented in short terms,
>>> and there should be performed additional investigations.
>>> My question is:  what other benefits or doubts I missed for first two
>>> ways? Is there other ways to provision baremetal with Fuel that can be
>>> automated in short terms?
>>> Thanks for any suggestions!
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Dennis Dmitriev
>>> QA Engineer,
>>> Mirantis Inc.
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>> Dr. Pavlo Shchelokovskyy
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> Mirantis Inc
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> Andrew Woodward
> Mirantis
> Fuel Community Ambassador
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Yours Faithfully,
Vladimir Kuklin,
Fuel Library Tech Lead,
Mirantis, Inc.
+7 (495) 640-49-04
+7 (926) 702-39-68
Skype kuklinvv
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