Convinced :)
Andreas (IRC: scheuran) 

On Mi, 2016-01-20 at 19:58 +0000, Sean M. Collins wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 02:24:35PM EST, Sourabh Patwardhan wrote:
> > This option is used to configure a global multicast group IP for VXLAN
> > networks.
> > The Cisco Nexus1000V mech driver uses the IP address from this config
> > option when creating a VXLAN network in multicast mode.
> Right - and I think that really this shows the reference implementation
> should probably consult the ML2 configuration for vxlan groups instead
> of having it configured in each agent. I mean, it is an ML2 driver now.
> I believe the agent configuration for vxlan group is a carry over from
> when Linux Bridge was a separate plugin, before it became an ML2
> mechanism driver.
> So let's make LB more like the ML2 mechanism driver it's supposed to be.

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