Hm... It's sounds reasonable, I will think about it.

2015-12-03 15:37 GMT+03:00 Thomas Herve <>:

> On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 1:00 PM, Peter Razumovsky <
> > wrote:
>> Hello!
>> During get_reality implementation next problem raised: if I don't specify
>> optional not update allowed property (like availabiliy_zone in
>> OS::Cinder::Volume), default value will be set for this property in entity.
>> This default value defined in configuration of entity's project (i.e. if I
>> create OS::Cinder::Volume without az, volume will be created with az =
>> default value, which defined in cinder.conf).
>> So, if I want to get live state of entity, I get az with value, but in
>> template no value has been specified for az, and that's mean, stack will be
>> repalced during update, which is awful (e.g. if we have huge stack with
>> this problem for each resource, updating will be very slow).
>> What I can do with such properties with default values, defined in config
>> options? I don't know any methods to get value from config of other project.
> I haven't thought too much about it, but I'm sure getting config from
> other projects is not the right idea :). One possible solution would be to
> get the live state of the entity just after creation, so that we can fill
> those default properties right away. What do you think?
> --
> Thomas
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Peter Razumovsky
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