Thanks Stan. It makes sense now.
I was able to see the yaml in the database, but I agree that the cached 
file extension should change to avoid confusion.
I appreciate your thorough response.


From:   Stan Lagun <>
To:     "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Date:   11/27/2015 04:04 AM
Subject:        Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] 'NoMatchingFunctionException: 
No function "#operator_." matches supplied arguments' error when adding an 
application to an environment

Here is the full story:

real YAML that is generated is stored in murano database in packages 
table. Murano Dashboard obtains form definitions in YAML from API. But to 
improve performance it also caches them locally. And when it does it 
stores them in Python pickle format [1] rather then original YAML, but 
doesn't change the extension (actually this is a bug). That's why when you 
take yamls from dashboard cache they doesn't look like a valid YAML though 
they contain the same information and can be decrypted back (that's what I 
did to find the error you had). But is is much easier to take real YAML 
from database though


Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

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