Perhaps adding a section for 'collecting ideas' right at the bottom of the
etherpad will help directing input.

We should strive for keeping the session focussed, sessions are only 40
mins, and realistically we'll only have 30 mins to talk about the meaty
stuff. If we want to go through bullet by bullet, we'll need an entire
summit :)


On 18 October 2015 at 09:14, Armando M. <> wrote:

> Gal,
> [2] is not meant to be edited by anyone just yet. This will lead to chaos
> and an unproductive session. Once the link is out is obvious that anyone
> can edit, but welcoming input is a recipe for disaster!
> I appreciate the initiative, but please consider running thoughts by me
> for advice.
> Cheers,
> Armando
> On 18 October 2015 at 04:09, Gal Sagie <> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> In OpenStack Tokyo summit we will have a design summit session for
>> containers networking
>> and containers orchestration engines integration with Neutron [1].
>> Please feel free to edit the session etherpad [2] with relevant topics,
>> if you are working
>> and have any gaps or needs from Neutron in that area, please share.
>> Even if we cant resolve everything in one session, i think it would be
>> great to at least understand
>> the problems and document them so we can address the needs and priorities
>> during the upcoming cycle.
>> Thanks
>> Gal.
>> [1]
>> [2]
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