
I am adding some IBMers who are also looking into making this work. PowerVC
has a solution hacked into place but we are working on getting a more
general solution implemented for Mitaka. Hoping we can all work together to
get a solution in place.
Will you be in Tokyo? If so, it would be good to have a plan together to
discuss there.

Gerald and Sam,

Can you guys join the OpenStack dev mailing list and continue the


On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 8:20 PM <taylor.ber...@solnet.co.nz> wrote:

> For RBDs it IS as simple as making calls to virsh after an attached volume
> is extended. I've done it half a dozen time with no intermediate steps and
> it works. I'd love to test it more robustly, obviously, but unfortunately I
> got bigger fish to fry with BAU.
> iSCSI might involve more work, I acknowledge that, but there is nothing
> wrong with putting the framework in place now and throwing an "unsupported
> volume type" error message if we haven't worked out the best method for
> doing this for a particular type.
> The way I see it, the only ones that are going to cause us problems are
> ones that require the host to suspend the disk prior to operating on it. In
> other words if the notification to the host can't be done atomically, that
> could definitely cause issues.
> However, all the examples I have seem implemented in OpenStack volumes
> thus far (iSCSI, RDB) are either atomic or no notification required (in the
> case of RBD). Even Multipath is atomic (granted, it's multiple chained
> atomic operations, but still, they won't be left in an irrecoverable
> failure state).
> Yes, the page you linked does warn about the issue when there is no path
> the device, however I think that if you're trying to resize a volume the
> compute node can't connect to, you got bigger problems (that is to say,
> throwing an error here is perfectly reasonable).
> Regards,
> Taylor Bertie
> Enterprise Support Infrastructure Engineer
> Mobile +64 27 952 3949
> Phone +64 4 462 5030
> Email taylor.ber...@solnet.co.nz
> Solnet Solutions Limited
> Level 12, Solnet House
> 70 The Terrace, Wellington 6011
> PO Box 397, Wellington 6140
> www.solnet.co.nz
> -----"Walter A. Boring IV" <walter.bor...@hp.com> wrote: -----
> To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
> From: "Walter A. Boring IV" <walter.bor...@hp.com>
> Date: 2015-08-22 7:13
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] Extending attached disks
> This isn't as simple as making calls to virsh after an attached volume
> is extended on the cinder backend, especially when multipath is involved.
> You need the host system to understand that the volume has changed size
> first, or virsh will really never see it.
> For iSCSI/FC volumes you need to issue a rescan on the bus (iSCSI
> session, FC fabric),  and then when multipath is involved, it gets quite
> a bit more complex.
> This lead to one of the sticking points with doing this at all, is
> because when cinder extends the volume, it needs to tell nova that it
> has happened, and the nova (or something on the compute node), will have
> to issue the correct commands in sequence for it all to work.
> You'll also have to consider multi-attached volumes as well, which adds
> yet another wrinkle.
> A good quick source of some of the commands and procedures that are
> needed you can see here:
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/5/html/Online_Storage_Reconfiguration_Guide/online-logical-units.html
> You can see that volumes with multipath requires a lot of hand holding
> to be done correctly.  It's non trivial.  I see this as being very error
> prone, and any failure
> in the multipath process could lead to big problems :(
> Walt
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > Apologises for the duplicate send, looks like my mail client doesn't
> create very clean HTML messages. Here is the message in plain-text. I'll
> make sure to send to the list in plain-text from now on.
> >
> > In my current pre-production deployment we were looking for a method to
> live extend attached volumes to an instance. This was one of the
> requirements for deployment. I've worked with libvirt hypervisors before so
> it didn't take long to find a workable solution. However I'm not sure how
> transferable this will be across deployment models. Our deployment model is
> using libvirt for nova and ceph for backend storage. This means obviously
> libvirt is using rdb to connect to volumes.
> >
> > Currently the method I use is:
> >
> > - Force cinder to run an extend operation.
> > - Tell Libvirt that the attached disk has been extended.
> >
> > It would be worth discussing if this can be ported to upstream such that
> the API can handle the leg work, rather than this current manual method.
> >
> > Detailed instructions.
> > You will need: volume-id of volume you want to resize,
> hypervisor_hostname and instance_name from instance volume is attached to.
> >
> > Example: extending volume f9fa66ab-b29a-40f6-b4f4-e9c64a155738 attached
> to instance-00000012 on node-6 to 100GB
> >
> > $ cinder reset-state --state available
> f9fa66ab-b29a-40f6-b4f4-e9c64a155738
> > $ cinder extend f9fa66ab-b29a-40f6-b4f4-e9c64a155738 100
> > $ cinder reset-state --state in-use f9fa66ab-b29a-40f6-b4f4-e9c64a155738
> >
> > $ssh node-6
> > node-6$ virsh qemu-monitor-command instance-00000012 --hmp "info block"
> | grep f9fa66ab-b29a-40f6-b4f4-e9c64a155738
> > drive-virtio-disk1: removable=0 io-status=ok
> file=rbd:volumes-slow/volume-f9fa66ab-b29a-40f6-b4f4-e9c64a155738:id=cinder:key=<keyhere>==:auth_supported=cephx\\;none:mon_host=\\:6789\\;\\:6789\\;\\:6789
> ro=0 drv=raw encrypted=0 bps=0 bps_rd=0 bps_wr=0 iops=0 iops_rd=0 iops_wr=0
> >
> > This will get you the disk-id, which in this case is drive-virtio-disk1.
> >
> > node-6$ virsh qemu-monitor-command instance-00000012 --hmp "block_resize
> drive-virtio-disk1 100G"
> >
> > Finally, you need to perform a drive rescan on the actual instance and
> resize and extend the file-system. This will be OS specific.
> >
> > I've tested this a few times and it seems very reliable.
> >
> > Taylor Bertie
> > Enterprise Support Infrastructure Engineer
> >
> > Mobile +64 27 952 3949
> > Phone +64 4 462 5030
> > Email taylor.ber...@solnet.co.nz
> >
> > Solnet Solutions Limited
> > Level 12, Solnet House
> > 70 The Terrace, Wellington 6011
> > PO Box 397, Wellington 6140
> >
> > www.solnet.co.nz
> >
> > Attention:
> > This email may contain information intended for the sole use of
> > the original recipient. Please respect this when sharing or
> > disclosing this email's contents with any third party. If you
> > believe you have received this email in error, please delete it
> > and notify the sender or postmas...@solnetsolutions.co.nz as
> > soon as possible. The content of this email does not necessarily
> > reflect the views of Solnet Solutions Ltd.
> >
> >
> >
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