
The best option is to add new functionality to fuel2 only, but I
don't think that we can do that if there is not enough functionality
in fuel2, we should not ask user to switch between fuel and fuel2
to get some specific functionality.
Do we have some list of commands which is not covered in fuel2?
I'm just wondering how much time will it take to implement all
required commands in fuel2.


On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Sebastian Kalinowski <
skalinow...@mirantis.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> For a some time in python-fuelclient we have two CLI apps: `fuel` and
> `fuel2`. It was done as an implementation of blueprint [1].
> Right now there is a situation where some new features are added just to
> old `fuel`, some to just `fuel2`, some to both. We cannot simply switch
> completely to new `fuel2` as it doesn't cover all old commands.
> As far as I remember there was no agreement how we should proceed with
> adding new things to python-fuelclient, so to keep all development for new
> commands I would like us to choose what will be our approach. There are 3
> ways to do it (with some pros and cons):
> A) Add new features only to old `fuel`.
> Pros:
>  - Implement feature in one place
>  - Almost all features are covered there
> Cons:
>  - Someone will need to port this features to new `fuel2`
>  - Issues that forced us to reimplement whole `fuel` as `fuel2`
> B) Add new features only to new `fuel2`
> Pros:
>  - Implement feature in one place
>  - No need to cope with issues in old `fuel` (like worse UX, etc.)
> Cons:
>  - Not all features are covered by `fuel2` so user will need to switch
> between `fuel` and `fuel2`
> C) Add new features to both CLIs
> Pros:
>  - User can choose which tool to use
>  - No need to port feature later...
> Cons:
>  - ...but it still doubles the work
>  - We keep alive a tool that should be replaced (old `fuel`)
> Best,
> Sebastian
> [1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/re-thinking-fuel-client
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