So I've been following the TC work on tags, and have been slightly
confused by the whole work, so I am wondering if I can get a
'explainlikeimfive' (borrowing from reddit terminology) edition of it.
I always thought tags were going to be something like:
(I'm not a graphic artist, obviously, haha); but the point there was
that it would allow people to create tags, up or down vote them, and
maybe even add comments and let the democratic process (the community)
decide which tags are useful and which aren't (possibly prune tags that
are garbage or are not useful).
Or something like:
That could perhaps use (or
something like it, doesn't matter)...
I was thinking the whole tag creation, up-vote, down-vote, smiley,
sad-face, was all going to be community driven, instead of TC driven,
but maybe someone can explain it to me (like I am five).
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