Do you mean project names or project IDs?


> On 3 Jul 2015, at 12:12 am, Henrique Truta <> 
> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> In Kilo, keystone introduced the concept of Hierarchical Multitenancy[1], 
> which allows cloud operators to organize projects in hierarchies. This 
> concept is evolving in Liberty, with the addition of the Reseller use 
> case[2], where among other features, it’ll have hierarchies of domains by 
> making the domain concept a feature of projects and not a different entity: 
> from now on, every domain will be treated as a project that has the 
> “is_domain” property set to True.
> Currently, getting a project scoped token can be made by only passing the 
> project name and the domain it belongs to, once project names are unique 
> between domains. However with those hierarchies of projects, in M we intend 
> to remove this constraint in order to make a project name unique only in its 
> level in the hierarchy (project parent). In other words, it won’t be possible 
> to have sibling projects with the same name. For example. the following 
> hierarchy will be valid:
>                A - project with the domain feature
>              /    \
>             B   C   - “pure” projects, children of A
>             |      |
>            A     B  - “pure” projects, children of B and C respectively
> Therefore, the cloud user faces some problems when getting a project scoped 
> token by name to projects A or B, since keystone won’t be able to distinguish 
> them only by their names. The best way to solve this problem is providing the 
> full hierarchy, like “A/B/A”, “A/B”, “A/C/B” and so on.
> To achieve this, we intend to deprecate the “/” character in project names in 
> Liberty and prohibit it in M, removing/replacing this character in a database 
> migration**.
> Do you have some strong reason to keep using this character in project names? 
> How bad would it be for existing deploys? We’d like to hear from you.
> Best regards,
> Henrique
> ** LDAP as assignment backend does not support Hierarchical Multitenancy. 
> This change will be only applied to SQL backends.
> [1] 
> <>
> [2] 
> <>
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