What do you think if we add a script(may be under tools or cmd package) to
help doing this?
On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 7:59 PM, ELISHA, Moshe (Moshe) <
moshe.eli...@alcatel-lucent.com> wrote:

>  Thanks, Renat.
> I also believe the right place to do it is in Mistral.
> I will create a blueprint and we will discuss the details in the spec.
> Thanks.
> *From:* Renat Akhmerov [mailto:rakhme...@mirantis.com]
> *Sent:* יום ה 02 יולי 2015 12:34
> *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [mistral] Best practices for the DB
> maintanence in production
> Hi Elisha,
> Currently Mistral doesn’t support any expiration policies for
> workflow/task/action runtime objects. It keeps them forever until someone
> deletes them manually.
> I see the following ways of addressing your need:
>    - Implement some cleanup component within Mistral (how to call it?)
>    using its Scheduler component to periodically query and delete objects
>    based on a criteria provided in a config.
>    - Just implement something on top of Mistral API to do the same. The
>    cons of this approach is that Mistral now doesn’t provide any flexible
>    mechanism to do criteria-based search of its objects. There’s an adjacent
>    BP for that [1]. Generally, there’s a number of things in Mistral API we
>    are not satisfied with and we’ve been planning to design and suggest API v3
>    for Mistral to support those features (don’t confuse with DSL v3, there’s
>    no plan for now to implement a new backwards incompatible DSL). So this
>    option may not be effective from performance perspective.
> I think it deserves its own blueprint so that we can discuss nuances.
> [1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/mistral/+spec/mistral-items-filtering
> Renat Akhmerov
> @ Mirantis Inc.
>  On 02 Jul 2015, at 13:37, ELISHA, Moshe (Moshe) <
> moshe.eli...@alcatel-lucent.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> We are planning to use Mistral in production in the next few months.
> We noticed that having even a simple workflow with a cron-trigger (For
> example monitor and heal workflow) can create large amounts of data in the
> DB (MariaDB).
> Does Mistral have a mechanism / configuration of automatic deletion of old
> executions?
> What is the best practice to handle this type of challenge?
> Thanks.
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