Brad, Each repo should have a separate launchpad tracker. I reconfigured the magnum-ui launchpad tracker with the liberty series and the liberty milestones. This is common best practice in OpenStack governance. I recommend a common drivers team however, which should be magnum-drivers.
Regards -steve From: "Bradley Jones (bradjone)" <<>> Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <<>> Date: Friday, June 12, 2015 at 3:31 AM To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <<>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team The review for the creation of the new project is here To confirm Adrian, do you intend to use the Magnum launchpad for UI related bps and bugs or the Magnum UI launchpad indicated in the spec ( If it’s the former I shall update the spec to indicate so. Thanks, Brad On 12 Jun 2015, at 03:21, Adrian Otto <<>> wrote: Team, We are fortunate enough to have a thriving community of developers who want to make OpenStack great, and several of us have pledged support for this work in Magnum. Due to the amount of interest expressed in this pursuit, and the small amount of overlap between the developers in magnum-core, I’m authorizing the creation of a new gerrit ACL group named magnum-ui-core. Please install me as the pilot member of the group. I will seed the group with those who have pledged support for the effort from the “essential” subscribers to the following blueprint. If our contributors to the magnum-ui repo feel that review velocity is too low, I will add magnum-core as a member so we can help. On regular intervals, I will review the activity level of our new group, and make adjustments as needed to add/subtract from it in accordance with input from the active contributors. We will use the Magnum project on Launchpad for blueprints and bugs. There are 8 contributors identified, who will comprise our initial magnum-ui-core group. I ask that the ACLs be configured as follows: [access "refs/heads/*"] abandon = group magnum-ui-core create = group magnum-milestone label-Code-Review = -2..+2 group magnum-ui-core label-Workflow = -1..+1 group magnum-ui-core [access "refs/tags/*"] pushSignedTag = group magnum-milestone [receive] requireChangeId = true requireContributorAgreement = true [submit] mergeContent = true Thanks everyone for your enthusiasm about this new pursuit. I look forward to working together with you to make this into something we are all proud of. Adrian PS: Special thanks to sdake for initiating this conversation, and helping us to arrive at a well reasoned decision about how to approach this. On Jun 4, 2015, at 10:58 AM, Steven Dake (stdake) <<>> wrote: Hey folks, I think it is critical for self-service needs that we have a Horizon dashboard to represent Magnum. I know the entire Magnum team has no experience in UI development, but I have found atleast one volunteer Bradley Jones to tackle the work. I am looking for more volunteers to tackle this high impact effort to bring Containers to OpenStack either in the existing Magnum core team or as new contributors. If your interested, please chime in on this thread. As far as “how to get patches approved”, there are two models we can go with. Option #1: We add these UI folks to the magnum-core team and trust them not to +2/+A Magnum infrastructure code. This also preserves us as one team with one mission. Option #2: We make a new core team magnum-ui-core. This presents special problems if the UI contributor team isn’t large enough to get reviews in. I suspect Option #2 will be difficult to execute. Cores, please vote on Option #1, or Option #2, and Adrian can make a decision based upon the results. Regards -steve __________________________________________________________________________ OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) Unsubscribe:<>?subject:unsubscribe __________________________________________________________________________ OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) Unsubscribe:<>?subject:unsubscribe
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