
It was nice to meet many of you at the Vancouver Infra Working Session. Quite a 
bit of progress was made finding owners for some of the common-ci refactoring 
work [1] and puppet testing work. A few patches were proposed, reviewed, and 
some merged!

As we continue the effort over the coming weeks, I thought it would be helpful 
to schedule a  virtual sprint to complete the remaining tasks.

GOAL: By the end of the sprint, we should be able to set up a 3rd party CI 
system using the same puppet components that the OpenStack infrastructure team 
is using in its production CI system.

I proposed this in Tuesday's Infra meeting [1] there was general consensus that 
this would be valuable (if clear goals are documented) and that July 8 & 9 are 
good dates. (After the US & Canada July 1st and 4th holidays, not on Tuesday, 
and not near a Liberty Milestone)

I would like to get comments from a broader audience on the goals and dates. 

You can show interest by adding your name to the etherpad [3].

Thank you,
irc: asselin

[3] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/common-ci-sprint

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