>>> The only open question I have is if we need to do an Icehouse point release
>>> prior to the tag and dropping the branch, but I don't think that's happened
>>> in the past with branch end of life - the eol tag basically serves as the
>>> placeholder to the last 'release'.
>> I don't think we need to do a point release, there will be the icehouse-eol
>> tag which will mark the same thing. But, even if we later decide to add a
>> point release to mark the same thing it is trivial to push another tag for
>> the same sha1.
> I CC-ed the stable branch release managers for their opinion on it. We
> definitely announced a 2014.1.5 last icehouse release, so I think we
> should probably do one. Ideally we would have time to coordinate it in
> the coming week so that both plans are compatible.

Based on previoius 15 months plan, 2014.1.5 was targeting July 2015,
so releasing it next week would be close enough:

I'm not sure if release machinery would work after removing the branch
so let's release this last one (codename: Farewell ?) point release. I
can do this next week after we finish pending reviews.


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