Hi Thang,
  Since you are working on Snapshot Objects, any idea on why the testcase
when run all by itself, works, but when run as part of the overall suite,
fails ?
This seems to be related to the Snapshot Objects, hence Ccing you.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 9:54 PM, Deepak Shetty <dpkshe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
>   I am hitting a strange issue when running Cinder unit tests against my
> patch @
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172808/5
> I have spent 1 day and haven't been successfull at figuring how/why my
> patch is causing it!
> All tests failing are part of VolumeTestCase suite and from the error (see
> below) it seems
> the Snapshot Object is complaining that 'volume_id' field is null (while
> it shouldn't be)
> An example error from the associated Jenkins run can be seen @
> http://logs.openstack.org/08/172808/5/check/gate-cinder-python27/0abd15e/console.html.gz#_2015-05-22_13_28_47_140
> I am seeing a total of 21 such errors.
> Its strange because, when I try to reproduce it locally in my devstack
> env, I see the below:
> 1) When i just run: ./run_tests.sh -N
> cinder.tests.unit.test_volume.VolumeTestCase
> all testcases pass
> 2) When i run 1 individual testcase: ./run_tests.sh -N
> cinder.tests.unit.test_volume.VolumeTestCase.test_delete_busy_snapshot
> that passes too
> 3) When i run : ./run_tests.sh -N
> I see 21 tests failing and all are failing with error similar to the below
> {0} cinder.tests.unit.test_volume.VolumeTestCase.test_delete_busy_snapshot
> [0.537366s] ... FAILED
> Captured traceback:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "cinder/tests/unit/test_volume.py", line 3219, in
> test_delete_busy_snapshot
>         snapshot_obj = objects.Snapshot.get_by_id(self.context,
> snapshot_id)
>       File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_versionedobjects/base.py", line 163,
> in wrapper
>         result = fn(cls, context, *args, **kwargs)
>       File "cinder/objects/snapshot.py", line 130, in get_by_id
>         expected_attrs=['metadata'])
>       File "cinder/objects/snapshot.py", line 112, in _from_db_object
>         snapshot[name] = value
>       File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_versionedobjects/base.py", line 675,
> in __setitem__
>         setattr(self, name, value)
>       File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_versionedobjects/base.py", line 70,
> in setter
>         field_value = field.coerce(self, name, value)
>       File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_versionedobjects/fields.py", line
> 182, in coerce
>         return self._null(obj, attr)
>       File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_versionedobjects/fields.py", line
> 160, in _null
>         raise ValueError(_("Field `%s' cannot be None") % attr)
>     ValueError: Field `volume_id' cannot be None
> Any suggestions / thoughts on why this could be happening ?
> thanx,
> deepak
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