
Some of the the consequences of splitting up repos:
>  - atomic changes become non-atomic
>  - cross-cutting changes become more complex
>  - code analysis has to deal with more complex setups (can't lint
> across boundaries as readily, for instance)
>  - distribution and installation via source become harder
>  - project mgmt overheads increase
>  - project identity becomes more amorphous
> These aren't necessarily bad things, but they are things, and since
> the purported goal is to reduce the likelyhood of defects entering
> rally's codebase, I'd be wary of those consequences.


And don't forget about common part for all this commands:
CLI, API, DB, Common tools

So we will need to split rally code for 100500 repos release a lot of
crappy lib
that are used only in Rally and have a lot of pain with all processes
(doc, releases, management, code review, ...).

Splitting to repos really impact on architecture a lot.

Best regards,
Boris Pavlovic

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