Doug, it isn't about me or about trying to add more to the pool of one type
of contributor from a different pool of individuals with a different
skillset or about attempting to make shortcuts to leadership as you so
delicately put it. Frankly I think you're missing the point. When there is
a technical body governing everything of a technical nature within
OpenStack and it consists of members from one slice of the overall
community and candidates speak of engaging the operator community more than
it has in the past as part of the reason folks should vote for them, I
think the candidates are on point and we have an opportunity in front of
us. Has nothing to do with broadening the pool of one specific type of
contributor but about taking advantage of those who are already
contributing in a different way. That's a strength in our community and
when the tc appears to be moving towards technical leadership that paints
with broader multi-discipline strokes, I'm completely on board with that.
On May 5, 2015 6:07 AM, "Doug Hellmann" <> wrote:

Excerpts from Adam Lawson's message of 2015-05-04 10:25:10 -0700:
> So Thierry I agree. Developers are required to make it happen. I would say
> however that acknowledging the importance of developer contributions and
> selecting leadership from the development community is really half the
> battle as it's pretty rare to see project teams led and governed by only
> developers. I think addressing the inclusion of
> within this committee is a hugely positive development.

The community of contributors is led by members, not all of whom
are "developers" -- some are writers, translators, designers, or
fill other important roles. The characteristic that cuts across all
of those roles is that they are *contributors*.

If "architects/operators/admins" or anyone else want to become
contributors, there is already a path to accomplish that by interacting
with the existing teams, and their insight and input would be very
welcome. But there is no shortcut to becoming a leader in this
community. Everyone has to earn their stripes.

I've asked a couple of times in this thread what benefit you see
in having someone from outside of the contributor community on the
TC, but I haven't seen an answer. Is there something specific we
could be addressing beyond the question of representation?


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