Hi Cathy,
Thanks for the information.
Waiting for the invite.
From: Cathy Zhang [mailto:cathy.h.zh...@huawei.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 6:17 PM
To: adolfo.duar...@hp.com; Vikram Choudhary; Isaku Yamahata; Yamahata, Isaku; 
Vasudevan, Swaminathan (PNB Roseville); Anand, Ritesh; 
vishswanan...@hotmail.com; Gal Sagie; Subrahmanyam Ongole; Manish Godara; 
ybaben...@gmail.com; vishwana...@hotmail.com; Palanisamy, Ila (HP Networking); 
Li, Lynn; Vasudevan, Swaminathan (PNB Roseville); adrian.ho...@intel.com; 
Carlos; jdand...@research.att.com; Dirk; ronen.a...@intel.com; 
sram...@brocade.com; A, Keshava; Wu, Hong-Guang 
(ES-Best-Shore-Services-China-BJ); yuriy.babe...@telekom.de; 
ralf.trezec...@telekom.de; ybaben...@gmail.com; Jay-s-b; 
mathieu.rohon@orange.coSum; Migliaccio, Armando; mest...@mestery.com; 
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] service chaining feature development

Hello everyone,

Some of you have reached out to me asking questions about when we will start 
meeting discussion on the service chaining feature BPs in OpenStack.

I have set up a"goto meeting" for an audio meeting discussion so that we can 
sync up thought and bring everyone on the same page in a more efficient way. 
The meeting will be 10am~11am May 5th pacific time. Anyone who has interest in 
this feature development is welcome to join the meeting and contribute together 
to the service chain feature in OpenStack. Hope the time is good for most 

OpenStack BP discussion for service chaining
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/199553557, meeting password: 199-553-557
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States +1 (224) 501-3212
Access Code: 199-553-557

Following are the links to the Neutron related service chain specs and the bug 
IDs. Feel free to sign up and add you comments/input to the BPs.

Just FYI. There is an approved service chain project in OPNFV. Here is the link 
to the project page. It will be good to sync up the service chain work between 
the two communities. 



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