As I understand it, novaclient would by default not pass the microversion
HTTP header (X-OpenStack-Compute-API-Version) so it would get the server's
MIN_VERSION, ie 2.1 for the foreseeable future.  It would be
straightforward to add something like a --api-version=xx command line
argument, or it might be useful to read a value from a local config file.
I don't think either of those has been done yet, though.


On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Chen CH Ji <> wrote:

> No, AFAICT it's not supported because the v2.1 microversion and related bp
> are still under implementation ,there is no change on novaclient now ...
> Best Regards!
> Kevin (Chen) Ji 纪 晨
> Engineer, zVM Development, CSTL
> Notes: Chen CH Ji/China/IBM@IBMCN   Internet:
> Phone: +86-10-82454158
> Address: 3/F Ring Building, ZhongGuanCun Software Park, Haidian District,
> Beijing 100193, PRC
> [image: Inactive hide details for "Day, Phil" ---01/23/2015 05:56:47
> PM---Hi Folks, Is there any support yet in novaclient for requesti]"Day,
> Phil" ---01/23/2015 05:56:47 PM---Hi Folks, Is there any support yet in
> novaclient for requesting a specific microversion ?   (looking
> From: "Day, Phil" <>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List ("
> <>
> Date: 01/23/2015 05:56 PM
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [nova] novaclient support for V2.1 micro versions
> ------------------------------
> Hi Folks,
> Is there any support yet in novaclient for requesting a specific
> microversion ?   (looking at the final leg of extending clean-shutdown to
> the API, and wondering how to test this in devstack via the novaclient)
> Phil
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