A month or two ago I started gathering differencies between Flask and
Pecan, let's take a look at technical details. Maybe there are some
things that are already fixed in current versions of Pecan, feel free
to comment. 

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Nikolay Markov <nmar...@mirantis.com> wrote:
>> However, the OpenStack community is also about a shared set of tools,
>> development methodologies, and common perspectives.
> I completely agree with you, Jay, but the same principle may be
> applied much wider. Why Openstack Community decided to use its own
> unstable project instead of existing solution, which is widely used in
> Python community? To avoid being a team player? Or, at least, why it's
> recommended way even if it doesn't provide the same features other
> frameworks have for a long time already? I mean, there is no doubt
> everyone would use stable and technically advanced tool, but imposing
> everyone to use it by force with a simple hope that it'll become
> better from this is usually a bad approach.
> I personally would surely contribute to Pecan in case we decide to use
> it and there will be some gaps and uncovered cases. I'm just curious,
> does it worth it?
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 12/03/2014 10:16 AM, Nikolay Markov wrote:
>>> It would be great to look at some obvious points where Pecan is better
>>> than Flask despite of the fact that it's used by the community. I
>>> still don't see a single and I don't think the principle "jump from
>>> the cliff if everyone does" works well in such cases.
>> This is part of why the Fuel development team is viewed as not working with
>> the OpenStack community in many ways. The Fuel team is doing a remarkable
>> job in changing previously-all-internal-to-Mirantis communication patterns
>> to instead be on a transparent basis in the mailing lists and on IRC. I
>> sincerely applaud the Fuel team for that.
>> However, the OpenStack community is also about a shared set of tools,
>> development methodologies, and common perspectives. It's expected that when
>> you have an OpenStack REST API project, that you try to use the tools that
>> the shared community uses, builds, and supports. Otherwise, you aren't being
>> a team player.
>> In the past, certain teams have chosen to use something other than Pecan due
>> to technical reasons. For example, Zaqar's team chose to use the Falcon
>> framework instead of the Pecan framework. Zaqar, like Swift, is a data API,
>> not a control API, and raw performance is critical to the project's API
>> endpoint). This is, incidentally, why the Swift team chose to use its swob
>> framework over Webob (which Pecan uses).
>> However, the reason that these were chosen was definitely not "it doesn't
>> support the coding patterns I like". There's something that comes from being
>> a team player. And one of those things is "going with the flow" when there
>> isn't a real technical reason not to. All of us can and do find things we
>> don't like about *all* of the projects that we work on. The difference
>> between team players and non-team players is that team players strongly
>> weigh their decisions and opinions based on what the team is doing and how
>> the team can improve.
>> Best,
>> -jay
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> --
> Best regards,
> Nick Markov

Best regards,
Nick Markov

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