----- Original Message -----
> From: "Deepak Shetty" <dpkshe...@gmail.com>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
> <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
> But isn't *-specs comes very early in the process where you have an
> idea/proposal of a feature, u don't have it yet implemented. Hence specs
> just end up with Para's on how the feature is supposed to work, but doesn't
> include any real world screen shots as the code is not yet ready at that
> point of time. Along with patch it would make more sense, since the author
> would have tested it so it isn't a big overhead to catch those cli screen
> shots and put it in a .txt or .md file so that patch reviewers can see the
> patch in action and hence can review more effectively
> thanx,
> deepak

Sure but in the original email you listed a number of other items, not just CLI 
screen shots, including:

> >> > 1) What changes are needed in manila.conf to make this work
> >> > 2) How to use the cli with this change incorporated
> >> > 3) Some screen shots of actual usage 
> >> > 4) Any caution/caveats that one has to keep in mind while using this

Ideally I see 1, 2, and 4 as things that should be added to the spec 
(retrospectively if necessary) to ensure that it maintains an accurate record 
of the feature. I can see potential benefits to including listings of real 
world usage (3) in the client projects, but I don't think all of the items 
listed belong there.


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