On 12/11/14 08:24, Stan Lagun wrote:

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 3:50 PM, Zane Bitter <zbit...@redhat.com
<mailto:zbit...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    It's actually potentially horrible, because you introduce potential
    quoting issues when you embed mistral workbooks in Heat templates or
    pass Heat templates to Murano.

Could you please give an example of template with such issue?

I don't have one to hand, but we'd want to prove that such an issue *can't* happen before implementing this.

Also note that
a. YAQL uses only single quote marks (') for string while JSON uses
double quotes (")
b. If Mistral worbook is embedded into HOT template it should not be
parsed or interpreted anyway. Otherwise consider what would happen if
that workbook would in turn have HOT snippets embedded

That's exactly the problem I'm talking about. If you have a HOT snippet embedded in a Mistral workbook embedded in a HOT template passed to Murano, can you guarantee that each piece of YAQL will be interpreted only in exactly the right place? Will the user be able to predict where that will be? My brain hurts just thinking about it.

We can protect other formats from Heat by wrapping an intrinsic function around the YAQL; I'm not certain that HOT would be protected from Mistral and Murano in the same way, because this wasn't previously a design goal for them.


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