On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Mike Bayer <mba...@redhat.com> wrote:
> As I’ve established oslo.db blueprints which will roll out new SQLAlchemy 
> connectivity patterns for consuming applications within both API [1] and 
> tests [2], one of the next big areas I’m to focus on is that of querying.   
> If one looks at how SQLAlchemy ORM queries are composed across Openstack, the 
> most prominent feature one finds is the prevalent use of the model_query() 
> initiation function.    This is a function that is implemented in a specific 
> way for each consuming application; its purpose is to act as a factory for 
> new Query objects, starting from the point of acquiring a Session, starting 
> up the Query against a selected model, and then augmenting that Query right 
> off with criteria derived from the given application context, typically 
> oriented around the widespread use of so-called “soft-delete” columns, as 
> well as a few other fixed criteria.
> There’s a few issues with model_query() that I will be looking to solve, 
> starting with the proposal of a new blueprint.   Key issues include that it 
> will need some changes to interact with my new connectivity specification, it 
> may need a big change in how it is invoked in order to work with some new 
> querying features I also plan on proposing at some point (see 
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_and_SQLAlchemy#Baked_Queries), and 
> also it’s current form in some cases tends to slightly discourage the 
> construction of appropriate queries.
> In order to propose a new system for model_query(), I have to do a survey of 
> how this function is implemented and used across projects.  Which is why we 
> find me talking about Neutron today - Neutron’s model_query() system is a 
> much more significant construct compared to that of all other projects.   It 
> is interesting because it makes clear some use cases that SQLAlchemy may very 
> well be able to help with.  It also seems to me that in its current form it 
> leads to SQL queries that are poorly formed - as I see this, on one hand we 
> can blame the structure of neutron’s model_query() for how this occurs, but 
> on the other, we can blame SQLAlchemy for not providing more tools oriented 
> towards what Neutron is trying to do.   The use case Neutron has here is very 
> common throughout many Python applications, but as yet I’ve not had the 
> opportunity to address this kind of pattern in a comprehensive way.
> I first sketched out my concerns on a Neutron issue 
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1380823, however I was encouraged to 
> move it over to the mailing list.
> Specifically with Neutron’s model_query(), we're talking here about the 
> plugin architecture in neutron/db/common_db_mixin.py, where the 
> register_model_query_hook() method presents a way of applying modifiers to 
> queries. This system appears to be used by: db/external_net_db.py, 
> plugins/ml2/plugin.py, db/portbindings_db.py, 
> plugins/metaplugin/meta_neutron_plugin.py.
> What the use of the hook has in common in these cases is that a LEFT OUTER 
> JOIN is applied to the Query early on, in anticipation of either the 
> filter_hook or result_filters being applied to the query, but only 
> *possibly*, and then even within those hooks as supplied, again only 
> *possibly*. It's these two "*possiblies*" that leads to the use of LEFT OUTER 
> JOIN - this extra table is present in the query's FROM clause, but if we 
> decide we don't need to filter on it, the idea is that it's just a left outer 
> join, which will not change the primary result if not added to what’s being 
> filtered. And even, in the case of external_net_db.py, maybe we even add a 
> criteria "WHERE <extra model id> IS NULL", that is doing a "not contains" off 
> of this left outer join.
> The result is that we can get a query like this:
>     SELECT a.* FROM a LEFT OUTER JOIN b ON a.id=b.aid WHERE b.id IS NOT NULL
> this can happen for example if using External_net_db_mixin, the outerjoin to 
> ExternalNetwork is created, _network_filter_hook applies 
> "expr.or_(ExternalNetwork.network_id != expr.null())", and that's it.
> The database will usually have a much easier time if this query is expressed 
> correctly [3]:
>    SELECT a.* FROM a INNER JOIN b ON a.id=b.aid
> the reason this bugs me is because the SQL output is being compromised as a 
> result of how the plugin system is organized. Preferable would be a system 
> where the plugins are either organized into fewer functions that perform all 
> the checking at once, or if the plugin system had more granularity to know 
> that it needs to apply an optional JOIN or not.   My thoughts for new 
> SQLAlchemy/oslo.db features are being driven largely by Neutron’s use case 
> here.
> Towards my goal of proposing a better system of model_query(), along with 
> Neutron’s heavy use of generically added criteria, I’ve put some thoughts 
> down on a new SQLAlchemy feature which would also be backported to oslo.db. 
> The initial sketch is at 
> https://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/sqlalchemy/issue/3225/query-heuristic-inspector-event,
>  and the main idea is that Query would include a system by which we can ask 
> questions about what it selects from and what it joins to and get definitive 
> answers, with this use case in mind.    It would allow functions like “we 
> need to INNER JOIN to X but only if our query is already asking for something 
> about X” to be easy to write, and would allow Neutron’s system (as well as 
> others) to be simplified and generate better queries.  A new event hook would 
> also be supplied that allows for a clean place that these additional criteria 
> can be augmented on a Query, without the need for the Query to be “created” 
> from a factory such as model_query(), e.g. the feature would integrate 
> transparently (somehow) with the system I’m proposing separately in [1], 
> allowing the Query() API to be used fully without encouraging queries that 
> are only against “a single model class".
> So as is customary before I start proposing changes to consuming projects, 
> I’m putting this out here to get any initial comments on this; such as, if 
> someone could give me some background on Neutron’s model_query system, if it 
> is used by any plugins that aren’t in the neutron source tree I have to know 
> about, and if there is agreement that we’d be better off trying to use INNER 
> JOIN and EXISTS appropriately, rather than “cheating” with an OUTER JOIN the 
> way it is now.   It may be the case that the queries right now are against 
> small datasets or are otherwise taking advantage of MySQL’s planner so that 
> they work out fine anyway, however in [3] I illustrate how relying on OUTER 
> JOINs generically can often lead to poorer performance; if it isn’t a problem 
> right now in Neutron, the pattern that’s used here is still less than ideal 
> as it does not allow full control of how the SQL is rendered compared to what 
> is needed, and I’d like to propose systems that are both more compatible with 
> future needs (such as baked query) and which also can do a better job.
Mike, first, thanks for sending out this detailed analysis. I'm hoping
that some of the DB experts from the Neutron side have read this.
Would it make sense to add this to our weekly meeting [1] for next
week and discuss it during there? At least we could give it some
airtime. I'm also wondering if it makes sense to grab some time in
Paris on Friday to discuss in person. Let me know your thoughts.


[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Network/Meetings

> [1] make EngineFacade a Facade: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/125181/
> [2] add long-lived transactionalized DB fixtures: 
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/117335/
> [3] some background on how INNER vs OUTER join can be a big deal in many 
> cases (more often than not).   I tested with a schema containing two tables: 
> “a" and “b”.  “a" has 10000 rows and “b" has 1M.  The “b" rows are linked via 
> indexed foreign key to a subset of rows in “a".  Comparing the two queries, 
> the OUTER JOIN query fails to use the index on “b.aid”:
>  mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT a.* FROM a JOIN b ON a.id=b.aid;
> +----+-------------+-------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+------------+--------+--------------------------+
>  | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | 
> rows | Extra |
> +----+-------------+-------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+------------+--------+--------------------------+
>  | 1 | SIMPLE | b | index | b_aid | b_aid | 5 | NULL | 999000 | Using where; 
> Using index |
>  | 1 | SIMPLE | a | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | test.b.aid | 1 | NULL |
> +----+-------------+-------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+------------+--------+--------------------------+
>  2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>  mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT a.* FROM a LEFT OUTER JOIN b ON a.id=b.aid WHERE b.id 
> +----+-------------+-------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+------------+--------+-------------+
>  | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | 
> rows | Extra |
> +----+-------------+-------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+------------+--------+-------------+
>  | 1 | SIMPLE | b | ALL | PRIMARY,b_aid | NULL | NULL | NULL | 999000 | Using 
> where |
>  | 1 | SIMPLE | a | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | test.b.aid | 1 | NULL |
> +----+-------------+-------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+------------+--------+-------------+
>  2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> Postgresql may have different results here, but in general OUTER JOINs are a 
> common source of poor performance, and I think we should have ORM patterns in 
> place where there is no tendency for SQL to be pushed in one direction or 
> another based on code organization.
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