> I won’t have much time for OpenStack, but I’m going to continue to
> hang out in the channels.

Nope, sorry, veto.

Some options to explain your way out:

1. Oops, I forgot it wasn't April
2. I have a sick sense of humor; I'm getting help for it
3. I've come to my senses after a brief break from reality

Seriously, I don't recall a gerrit review for this terrible plan...

> Anyway, it’s been fun… the project has grown like crazy! Keep on
> trucking... And while I won’t be active much, don’t be afraid to ping
> me!

Well, I for one am really sorry to see you go. I'd be lying if I said I
hope that your next opportunity leaves you daydreaming about going back
to OpenStack before too long. However, if not, good luck!


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