On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 7:35 AM, John Garbutt <j...@johngarbutt.com> wrote:
> On 30 September 2014 14:04, joehuang <joehu...@huawei.com> wrote: > > Hello, Dear TC and all, > > > > Large cloud operators prefer to deploy multiple OpenStack instances(as > different zones), rather than a single monolithic OpenStack instance > because of these reasons: > > > > 1) Multiple data centers distributed geographically; > > 2) Multi-vendor business policy; > > 3) Server nodes scale up modularized from 00's up to million; > > 4) Fault and maintenance isolation between zones (only REST interface); > > > > At the same time, they also want to integrate these OpenStack instances > into one cloud. Instead of proprietary orchestration layer, they want to > use standard OpenStack framework for Northbound API compatibility with > HEAT/Horizon or other 3rd ecosystem apps. > > > > We call this pattern as "OpenStack Cascading", with proposal described > by [1][2]. PoC live demo video can be found[3][4]. > > > > Nova, Cinder, Neutron, Ceilometer and Glance (optional) are involved in > the OpenStack cascading. > > > > Kindly ask for cross program design summit session to discuss OpenStack > cascading and the contribution to Kilo. > > > > Kindly invite those who are interested in the OpenStack cascading to > work together and contribute it to OpenStack. > > > > (I applied for “other projects” track [5], but it would be better to > have a discussion as a formal cross program session, because many core > programs are involved ) > > > > > > [1] wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_cascading_solution > > [2] PoC source code: https://github.com/stackforge/tricircle > > [3] Live demo video at YouTube: > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSU6PYRz5qY > > [4] Live demo video at Youku (low quality, for those who can't access > YouTube):http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzkzNDQ3MDg4.html > > [5] > http://www.mail-archive.com/openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org/msg36395.html > > There are etherpads for suggesting cross project sessions here: > https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Summit/Planning > https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-crossproject-summit-topics > > I am interested at comparing this to Nova's cells concept: > > http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/section_compute-cells.html > > Cells basically scales out a single datacenter region by aggregating > multiple child Nova installations with an API cell. > > Each child cell can be tested in isolation, via its own API, before > joining it up to an API cell, that adds it into the region. Each cell > logically has its own database and message queue, which helps get more > independent failure domains. You can use cell level scheduling to > restrict people or types of instances to particular subsets of the > cloud, if required. > > It doesn't attempt to aggregate between regions, they are kept > independent. Except, the usual assumption that you have a common > identity between all regions. > > It also keeps a single Cinder, Glance, Neutron deployment per region. > > It would be great to get some help hardening, testing, and building > out more of the cells vision. I suspect we may form a new Nova subteam > to trying and drive this work forward in kilo, if we can build up > enough people wanting to work on improving cells. > > Thanks, > John > > _______________________________________________ > OpenStack-dev mailing list > OpenStack-dev@lists.openstack.org > http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev > Interesting idea, to be honest when TripleO was first announced what you have here is more along the lines of what I envisioned. It seems that this would have some interesting wins in terms of upgrades, migrations and scaling in general. Anyway, you should propose it to the etherpad as John G ( the other John G :) ) recommended, I'd love to dig deeper into this. Thanks, John
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