On 09/24/2014 12:48 PM, Everett Toews wrote:
On Sep 24, 2014, at 9:42 AM, Dean Troyer <dtro...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'll bring an API consumer's perspective.


I’d bring an API consumer’s perspective as well.

Looks like there’s lots of support for an API WG. What’s the next step?

Form a WG under the User Committee [1] or is there something more appropriate?



Whatever it ends up being, it needs to have some teeth to it. Otherwise, we're going to end up in the exact same place we're in now, where each project does something slightly different.

That could mean putting the working group under the user committee and giving it teeth via some policy that would allow the group to look over proposed API changes *before* the code that implements the API was merged into an OpenStack project.


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