On 09/23/2014 05:03 PM, Rochelle.RochelleGrober wrote:
jaypi...@gmail.com <mailto:jaypi...@gmail.com> on Tuesday, September 23,
2014 9:09 AM wrote:
I'd like to say finally that I think there should be an OpenStack API
working group whose job it is to both pull together a set of OpenStack
API practices as well as evaluate new REST APIs proposed in the
OpenStack ecosystem to provide guidance to new projects or new
subprojects wishing to add resources to an existing REST API.
*/[Rocky Grober] /*++
*/Jay, are you volunteering to head up the working group? Or at least be
an active member? I’ll certainly follow with interest, but I think I
have my hands full with the log rationalization working group./*
Yes, I'd be willing to head up the working group... or at least
participate in it.
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