Le 15/09/2014 20:20, Dugger, Donald D a écrit :

I’d like to propose that we defer the meeting this week and reconvene next Tues, 9/23. I don’t think there’s much new to talk about right now and we’re waiting for a write up on the claims process. I’d like to get that write up when it’s ready, have everyone review it and then we can talk more concretely on what our next steps should be.

If anyone does have a topic they want to talk about let me know but, failing anything new, let’s wait a week.

Well, that's a fair question, thanks for raising it. I don't have a clear opinion on this but I can propose to open the meeting with open questions and see if people are there. FWIW, people could also have questions about the split and the next steps we decided.


PS: I can chair this one Don, no worries.


Don Dugger

"Censeo Toto nos in Kansa esse decisse." - D. Gale

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