On Sep 12, 2014, at 12:48 PM, Chris Dent <chd...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Sep 2014, Doug Hellmann wrote:
>> We could use a git hook (see my earlier message in this thread) or we
>> could add a command to tox to remove them before starting the tests.
>> Neither of those solutions would affect the runtime behavior in a way
>> that makes our dev environments fundamentally different from a
>> devstack or production deployment.
> For reference, I've always been in the habit of managing automated
> tasks in code checkouts with a Makefile that has targets with
> depencies: e.g 'make test' will always do the 'clean' target and
> 'clean' does something like find . -name "*.pyc" ...
> My stumble into openstack to find tox being the one _visible_ source
> of automation was quite a shock. Things like git hooks do not count
> as visible, despite being useful.
> The idea being that the systems we work with as developers need to
> be both discoverable and introspectable. Or to be clear:
> transparent.
> tox, in general, is vaguely magical, and it would be a shame to add
> some more. Yes, the pyc thing screwing with your stuff is bad and
> bit me hard a few times but once I knew what it was what I really
> wanted was a quick (and centrally approved) way to do 'make clean'.
> I guess tox -eclean or something would be the same but it feels
> wrong somehow.

I wasn’t clear. I’m proposing that we add a call to “rm” before our command to 
execute the tests. The command to cleanly run the tests would still be “tox -e 
py27” or whatever you’re using now. The cleanup step would be transparent, just 
as the “clean” target is in your “make test” example.


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