I think at least clients supporting keystone sessions that are configured
to use the auth.Password mech supports this since re-auth is done by the
session rather then the service client itself.

2014-09-10 16:14 GMT+02:00 Sean Dague <s...@dague.net>:

> Going through the untriaged Nova bugs, and there are a few on a similar
> pattern:
> Nova operation in progress.... takes a while
> Crosses keystone token expiration time
> Timeout thrown
> Operation fails
> Terrible 500 error sent back to user
> It seems like we should have a standard pattern that on token expiration
> the underlying code at least gives one retry to try to establish a new
> token to complete the flow, however as far as I can tell *no* clients do
> this.
> I know we had to add that into Tempest because tempest runs can exceed 1
> hr, and we want to avoid random fails just because we cross a token
> expiration boundary.
> Anyone closer to the clients that can comment here?
>         -Sean
> --
> Sean Dague
> http://dague.net
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