Le 10/09/2014 10:44, Daniel P. Berrange a écrit :
On Tue, Sep 09, 2014 at 05:14:43PM -0700, Stefano Maffulli wrote:
To me, this means you don't really want a sin bin where you dump
drivers and tell them not to come out until they're fit to be
reviewed by the core; You want a trusted driver community which does
its own reviews and means the core doesn't have to review them.
I think we're going somewhere here, based on your comment and other's:
we may achieve some result if we empower a new set of people to manage
drivers, keeping them in the same repositories where they are now. This
new set of people may not be the current core reviewers but other with
different skillsets and more capable of understanding the driver's
ecosystem, needs, motivations, etc.

I have the impression this idea has been circling around for a while but
for some reason or another (like lack of capabilities in gerrit and
other reasons) we never tried to implement it. Maybe it's time to think
about an implementation. We have been thinking about mentors
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Mentors, maybe that's a way to go?
Sub-team with +1.5 scoring capabilities?
I think that setting up subteams is neccessary to stop us imploding but
I don't think it is enough. As long as we have one repo we're forever
going to have conflict & contention in deciding which features to accept,
which is a big factor in problems today. I favour the strong split of the
drivers into separate repositories to remove the contente between the
teams as much as is practical.


Well, both proposals can be done : we can create subteams and the Subteam-Approval Gerrit label right know before Kilo, and we could split the virt repos by later once the interfaces and prereqs are done.

Having subteams would be even better for the virt split, as you could find whose halfcores (here, that's how I call subteam's people) are good for becoming virt cores once the repository is set up.


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