Excerpts from Devananda van der Veen's message of 2014-09-09 16:47:27 -0700:
> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Samuel Merritt <s...@swiftstack.com> wrote:
> > On 9/9/14, 12:03 PM, Monty Taylor wrote:
> [snip]
> >> So which is it? Because it sounds like to me it's a thing that actually
> >> does NOT need to diverge in technology in any way, but that I've been
> >> told that it needs to diverge because it's delivering a different set of
> >> features - and I'm pretty sure if it _is_ the thing that needs to
> >> diverge in technology because of its feature set, then it's a thing I
> >> don't think we should be implementing in python in OpenStack because it
> >> already exists and it's called AMQP.
> >
> >
> > Whether Zaqar is more like AMQP or more like email is a really strange
> > metric to use for considering its inclusion.
> >
> I don't find this strange at all -- I had been judging the technical
> merits of Zaqar (ex-Marconi) for the last ~18 months based on the
> understanding that it aimed to provide Queueing-as-a-Service, and
> found its delivery of that to be lacking on technical grounds. The
> implementation did not meet my view of what a queue service should
> provide; it is based on some serious antipatterns (storing a queue in
> an RDBMS is probably the most obvious); and in fact, it isn't even
> queue-like in the access patterns enabled by the REST API (random
> access to a set != a queue). That was the basis for a large part of my
> objections to the project over time, and a source of frustration for
> me as the developers justified many of their positions rather than
> accepted feedback and changed course during the incubation period. The
> reason for this seems clear now...
> As was pointed out in the TC meeting today, Zaqar is (was?) actually
> aiming to provide Messaging-as-a-Service -- not queueing as a service!
> This is another way of saying "it's more like email and less like
> AMQP", which means my but-its-not-a-queue objection to the project's
> graduation is irrelevant, and I need to rethink about all my previous
> assessments of the project.

Well said.

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