Sorry, forgot to link the reference:


On 09/03/2014 01:50 PM, Nejc Saje wrote:

On 09/02/2014 11:33 PM, Robert Collins wrote:
The implementation in ceilometer is very different to the Ironic one -
are you saying the test you linked fails with Ironic, or that it fails
with the ceilometer code today?

Disclaimer: in Ironic terms, node = conductor, key = host

The test I linked fails with Ironic hash ring code (specifically the
part that tests consistency). With 1000 keys being mapped to 10 nodes,
when you add a node:
- current ceilometer code remaps around 7% of the keys (< 1/#nodes)
- Ironic code remaps > 90% of the keys

The problem lies in the way you build your hash ring[1]. You initialize
a statically-sized array and divide its fields among nodes. When you do
a lookup, you check which field in the array the key hashes to and then
return the node that that field belongs to. This is the wrong approach
because when you add a new node, you will resize the array and assign
the fields differently, but the same key will still hash to the same
field and will therefore hash to a different node.

Nodes must be hashed onto the ring as well, statically chopping up the
ring and dividing it among nodes isn't enough for consistency.


The Ironic hash_ring implementation uses a hash:
     def _get_partition(self, data):
             return (struct.unpack_from('>I',
                     >> self.partition_shift)
         except TypeError:
             raise exception.Invalid(
                     _("Invalid data supplied to HashRing.get_hosts."))

so I don't see the fixed size thing you're referring to. Could you
point a little more specifically? Thanks!


On 1 September 2014 19:48, Nejc Saje <> wrote:
Hey guys,

in Ceilometer we're using consistent hash rings to do workload
partitioning[1]. We've considered generalizing your hash ring
and moving it up to oslo, but unfortunately your implementation is not
actually consistent, which is our requirement.

Since you divide your ring into a number of equal sized partitions,
of hashing hosts onto the ring, when you add a new host,
an unbound amount of keys get re-mapped to different hosts (instead
of the
1/#nodes remapping guaranteed by hash ring). I've confirmed this with
test in aforementioned patch[2].

If this is good enough for your use-case, great, otherwise we can get a
generalized hash ring implementation into oslo for use in both
projects or
we can both use an external library[3].




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