On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Nikola Đipanov <ndipa...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 09/02/2014 08:16 PM, Michael Still wrote:
>> Hi.
>> We're soon to hit feature freeze, as discussed in Thierry's recent
>> email. I'd like to outline the process for requesting a freeze
>> exception:
>>     * your code must already be up for review
>>     * your blueprint must have an approved spec
>>     * you need three (3) sponsoring cores for an exception to be granted
> Can core reviewers who have features up for review have this number
> lowered to two (2) sponsoring cores, as they in reality then need four
> (4) cores (since they themselves are one (1) core but cannot really
> vote) making it an order of magnitude more difficult for them to hit
> this checkbox?

That's a lot of numbers in that there paragraph.

Let me re-phrase your question... Can a core sponsor an exception they
themselves propose? I don't have a problem with someone doing that,
but you need to remember that does reduce the number of people who
have agreed to review the code for that exception.


>>     * exceptions must be granted before midnight, Friday this week
>> (September 5) UTC
>>     * the exception is valid until midnight Friday next week
>> (September 12) UTC when all exceptions expire
>> For reference, our rc1 drops on approximately 25 September, so the
>> exception period needs to be short to maximise stabilization time.
>> John Garbutt and I will both be granting exceptions, to maximise our
>> timezone coverage. We will grant exceptions as they come in and gather
>> the required number of cores, although I have also carved some time
>> out in the nova IRC meeting this week for people to discuss specific
>> exception requests.
>> Michael
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