On Thu, 21 Aug 2014, Sean Dague wrote:

By blessing one team what we're saying is all the good ideas pool for
tackling this hard problem can only come from that one team.

This is a big part of this conversation that really confuses me. Who is
that "one team"?

I don't think it is that team that is being blessed, it is that
project space. That project space ought, if possible, have a team
made up of anyone who is interested. Within that umbrella both
the competition and cooperation that everyone wants can happen.

You're quite right Sean, there is a lot of gravity that comes from
needing to support and slowly migrate the existing APIs. That takes
up quite a lot of resources. It doesn't mean, however, that other
resources can't work on substantial improvements in cooperation with
the rest of the project. Gnocchi and the entire "V3" concept in
ceilometer are a good example of this. Some folk are working on that
and some folk are working on maintaining and improving the old

Some participants in this thread seem to be saying "give some else a
chance". Surely nobody needs to be given the chance, they just need
to join the project and make some contributions? That is how this is
supposed to work isn't it?

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

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