Looks like a good solution to me. If there are no philosophical objections to 
it, I'll prepare a patch next week to make this happen.


-----Original Message-----
From: Clint Byrum [mailto:cl...@fewbar.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 12:58 PM
To: openstack-dev
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [TripleO] fix poor tarball support in 

Excerpts from Brownell, Jonathan C (Corvallis)'s message of 2014-08-15 08:11:18 
> The current DIB element support for downloading tarballs via 
> "source-repository" allows an entry in the following form:
> <name> tar <targetdir> <url>
> Today, this feature is currently used only by the mysql DIB element. You can 
> see how it's used here:
> https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-image-elements/blob/master/elemen
> ts/mysql/source-repository-mysql
> However, the underlying diskimage-builder implementation of tarball handling 
> is rather odd and inflexible. After downloading the file (or retrieving from 
> cache) and unpacking into a tmp directory, it performs:
> mv $tmp/*/* $targetdir
> This does work as long as the tarball follows a structure where all 
> its files/directories are contained within a single directory, but it 
> fails if the tarball contains no subdirectories. (Even worse is when 
> it contains some files and some subdirectories, in which case the 
> files are lost and the contents of all subdirs get lumped together in 
> the output folder.)
> Since this tarball support is only used today by the mysql DIB element, I 
> would love to fix this in both diskimage-builder and tripleo-image-element by 
> changing to simply:
> mv $tmp/* $targetdir
> And then manually tweaking the directory structure of $targetdir from a new 
> install.d script in the mysql element to restore the desired layout.
> However, it's important to note that this will break backwards compatibility 
> if tarball support is used in its current fashion by users with private DIB 
> elements.
> Personally, I consider the current behavior so egregious that it really needs 
> to be fixed across the board rather than preserving backwards compatibility.
> Do others agree? If not, do you have suggestions as to how to improve this 
> mechanism cleanly without sacrificing backwards compatibility?

How about we make a glob to use, so like this:

mysql tar /usr/local/mysql http://someplace/mysql.tar.gz mysql-5.*

That would result in

    mv $tmp/mysql-5.*/* $targetdir

And then we would warn that assuming the glob will be '*' is deprecated, to be 
changed in a later release.

Users who want your proposed behavior would use . until the default changes. 
That would result in

    mv $tmp/./* $targetdir

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