On 08/11/2014 05:58 PM, Jay Lau wrote:
I think the metadata in server group is an important feature and it
might be used by
Actually, we are now doing an internal development for above bp and want
to contribute this back to community later. We are now setting hard/soft
flags in server group metadata to identify if the server group want
hard/soft affinity.
I prefer Dan's first suggestion, what do you think?
If we care to have this functionality, then I propose we change the
attribute on the object (we can handle this with versioning) and reflect
it as "metadata" in the API.
If hard and soft is something that really needs to be supported, then
this should be a field in the instance_groups table, not some JSON blob
in a random metadata field.
Better yet, get rid of the instance_groups table altogether and have
"near", "not-near", "hard", and "soft" be launch modifiers similar to
the instance type. IMO, there's really no need to store a named group at
all, but that goes back to my original ML post about the server groups
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