On 07/17/2014 03:07 AM, Tailor, Rajesh wrote:
Hi all,

Why glance is not using Launcher/ProcessLauncher (oslo-incubator) for
its wsgi service like it is used in other openstack projects i.e. nova,
cinder, keystone etc.

Glance uses the same WSGI service launch code as the other OpenStack project from which that code was copied: Swift.

As of now when SIGHUP signal is sent to glance-api parent process, it
calls the callback handler and then throws OSError.

The OSError is thrown because os.wait system call was interrupted due to
SIGHUP callback handler.

As a result of this parent process closes the server socket.

All the child processes also gets terminated without completing existing
api requests because the server socket is already closed and the service
doesn’t restart.

Ideally when SIGHUP signal is received by the glance-api process, it
should process all the pending requests and then restart the glance-api

If (oslo-incubator) Launcher/ProcessLauncher is used in glance then it
will handle service restart on ‘SIGHUP’ signal properly.

Can anyone please let me know what will be the positive/negative impact
of using Launcher/ProcessLauncher (oslo-incubator) in glance?

Sounds like you've identified at least one good reason to move to oslo-incubator's Launcher/ProcessLauncher. Feel free to propose patches which introduce that change to Glance. :)

Thank You,

Rajesh Tailor
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