
On Jul 22, 2014, at 2:38, Boris Pavlovic <bpavlo...@mirantis.com> wrote:

> Hi, 
> I would like to propose my candidacy for Rally PTL.
> I started this project to make benchmarking of OpenStack simple as possible. 
> This means not only load generation, but as well OpenStack specific benchmark 
> framework, data analyze and integration with gates. All these things should 
> make it simple for developers and operators to benchmark (perf, scale, stress 
> test) OpenStack, share experiments & results, and have a fast way to find 
> what produce bottleneck or just to ensure that OpenStack works well under 
> load that they are expecting. 
> I am current non official PTL and in my responsibilities are such things like:
> 1) Adoption of Rally architecture to cover everybody's use cases
> 2) Building & managing work of community
> 3) Writing a lot of code
> 4) Working on docs & wiki 
> 5) Helping newbies to join Rally team 
> As a PTL I would like to continue work and finish my initial goal:
> 1) Ensure that everybody's use cases are fully covered
> 2) There is no monopoly in project
> 3) Run Rally in gates of all OpenStack projects (currently we have check jobs 
> in Keystone, Cinder, Glance & Neutron)
> 4) Continue work on making project more mature. It covers such topics like 
> increasing unit and functional test coverage and making Rally absolutely safe 
> to run against any production cloud)
> Best regards,
> Boris Pavlovic
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