+1 !

On Jul 22, 2014 7:36 AM, "Matthew Treinish" <mtrein...@kortar.org> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I would like to propose 2 changes to the Tempest core team:
> First, I'd like to nominate Andrea Fritolli to the Tempest core team.
Over the
> past cycle Andrea has been steadily become more actively engaged in the
> community. Besides his code contributions around refactoring Tempest's
> authentication and credentials code, he has been providing reviews that
> been of consistently high quality that show insight into both the project
> internals and it's future direction. In addition he has been active in the
> qa-specs repo both providing reviews and spec proposals, which has been
> helpful as we've been adjusting to using the new process. Keeping in mind
> becoming a member of the core team is about earning the trust from the
> of the current core team through communication and quality reviews, not
simply a
> matter of review numbers, I feel that Andrea will make an excellent
addition to
> the team.
> As per the usual, if the current Tempest core team members would please
vote +1
> or -1(veto) to the nomination when you get a chance. We'll keep the polls
> for 5 days or until everyone has voted.
> References:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:%22Andrea+Frittoli+%22,n,z
> The second change that I'm proposing today is to remove Giulio Fidente
from the
> core team. He asked to be removed from the core team a few weeks back
because he
> is no longer able to dedicate the required time to Tempest reviews. So if
> are no objections to this I will remove him from the core team in a few
> Sorry to see you leave the team Giulio...
> Thanks,
> Matt Treinish
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