On 7/21/14, 3:13 AM, daya kamath wrote:
hi steve,
thanks a lot for following up! i'm based out of india, so there's not much 
overlap in timezones. i'll unicast you for next steps. wanted to post the info 
you asked for in this thread.
the 2 files are here - Paste #87382 | 

Paste #87382 | LodgeIt!<http://paste.openstack.org/show/87382/>
examples.yaml - -------------------------------------------------------- - 
job-template: name: 'noop-check-communication' node: '{node}' builders: - 
shell: | #!/bin/bash -xe echo "Hello world, this is the {vendor} Testing 
System" - job-tem...

View on paste.openstack.org<http://paste.openstack.org/show/87382/>

Preview by Yahoo

i just have some customizations to devstack-gate script, but the overall 
framework more or less intact as cloned from 
not using nodepools currently, just 1 master and 1 slave node.


From: Steven Weston <swes...@brocade.com><mailto:swes...@brocade.com>
To: daya kamath <day...@yahoo.com><mailto:day...@yahoo.com>; OpenStack 
Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) 
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [third-party] Zuul trigger not starting Jenkins 

On 7/20/14, 5:25 PM, daya kamath wrote:

Need some pointers on debugging what the issue is. its not very convenient for 
me to be on the IRC due to timezone issues, so hoping the mailing list is a 
good next best option..
when i post a patch on the sandbox project, i see a review indicating my system 
is starting 'check' jobs, but i dont see any activity in Jenkins for the job. i 
can run the job manually from the master.

output from review.openstack.org -

        IBM Neutron Testing
        Jul 14 3:33 PM
Patch Set 1:
Starting check jobs.

output log from Zuul debug-
Paste #86642 | LodgeIt!<http://paste.openstack.org/show/86642/>

Paste #86642 | LodgeIt!<http://paste.openstack.org/show/86642/>
debug log - 2014-07-16 07:57:57,077 INFO zuul.Gerrit: Updating information for 
106722,1 2014-07-16 07:57:57,936 DEBUG zuul.Gerrit: Change <Change 
0x7f0f4e5d64d0 106722,1> status: NEW 2014-07-16 07:57:57,936 DEBUG 
zuul.Scheduler: Adding trigger event: <TriggerEvent...

View on paste.openstack.org<http://paste.openstack.org/show/86642/>

Preview by Yahoo

(configuration shows the job mapping properly, and its receiving the triggers 
from the upstram, but these are not firing any Jenkins jobs)

The Jenkins master connection to Gearman is showing status as ok.

gearman status command output -

build:noop-check-communication:master   0       0       2
build:dsvm-tempest-full 0       0       2
build:dsvm-tempest-full:devstack_slave  0       0       2
merger:merge    0       0       1
build:ibm-dsvm-tempest-full     0       0       2
zuul:get_running_jobs   0       0       1
set_description:   0       0       1
build:ibm-dsvm-tempest-full:devstack_slave      0       0       2
stop:      0       0       1
zuul:promote    0       0       1
build:noop-check-communication  0       0       2
zuul:enqueue    0       0       1
merger:update   0       0       1

Hi Daya,

I did ping you back in IRC last week; however you, unfortunately had already 
signed off.  I have tried to ping you several times since, but every time I 
have checked you have not been online.

In my experience, this issue has been caused by a mismatch in the jobs 
configured in the Zuul pipelines and those configured in Jenkins.  Can you post 
your Jenkins jobs builder files (your projects.yaml file and the yaml file 
which you defined the ibm-dsvm-dempest-full job in?  Also, please post your 
zuul.conf file and your layout.yaml files as well.

Please feel free to follow up with me at 
swes...@brocade.com<mailto:swes...@brocade.com>.  I will be happy to continue 
our discussion over email.

Steve Weston
OpenStack Software Engineer


Everything looks correct to me.  Curious, however, that you only have one slave 
and you have two workers registered in the gearman server.  If you connect to 
the gearman server and execute the workers command, what do you get as output?

I might suggest, at this point, the following:
1. Disable your gearman-jenkins plugin.
2.  Shut down your Jenkins service.
3.  On your Jenkins master, cd into /var/lib/jenkins/plugins and rm -rf 
4.  Start the Jenkins service, verify the plugin is removed, then shut it back 
5.  cd /var/lib/jenkins/plugins && wget 
6.  Start the Jenkins service again.
7.  Make sure you reconnect to the Gearman server.

This has resolved many issues I've had in getting Jenkins to talk to Gearmand.

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