On 07/21/2014 03:35 PM, Dan Smith wrote:
>> We've already approved many other blueprints for Juno that involve features
>> from new libvirt, so I don't think it is credible to reject this or any
>> other feature that requires new libvirt in Juno.
>> Furthermore this proposal for Nova is a targetted feature which is not
>> enabled by default, so the risk of regression for people not using it
>> is negligible. So I see no reason not to accept this feature.
> Yep, the proposal that started this discussion was never aimed at
> creating new test requirements for already-approved nova specs anyway. I
> definitely don't think we need to hold up something relatively simple
> like this on those grounds, given where we are in the discussion.
> --Dan

Agreed. This was mostly about figuring out a future path for ensuring
that the features that we say work in OpenStack either have some
validation behind them, or some appropriate disclaimers so that people
realize they aren't really tested in our normal system.

I'm fine with the virtio-scsi settings moving forward.


Sean Dague

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