On 7/17/2014 5:48 PM, Steve Baker wrote:
On 18/07/14 00:44, Joe Gordon wrote:

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 11:28 PM, Steve Baker <sba...@redhat.com
<mailto:sba...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    On 12/07/14 09:25, Joe Gordon wrote:

    On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 4:42 AM, Jeremy Stanley
    <fu...@yuggoth.org <mailto:fu...@yuggoth.org>> wrote:

        On 2014-07-11 11:21:19 +0200 (+0200), Matthias Runge wrote:
        > this broke horizon stable and master; heat stable is
        affected as
        > well.

        I guess this is a plea for applying something like the oslotest
        framework to client libraries so they get backward-compat
        jobs run
        against unit tests of all dependant/consuming software...
        tempest already alleviates some of this, but not the case of
        in a library which will break unit/functional tests of another

    We actually do have some tests for backwards compatibility, and
    they all passed. Presumably because both heat and horizon have
    poor integration test.

    We ran

      * check-tempest-dsvm-full-havana
        SUCCESS in 40m 47s (non-voting)
      * check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-havana
        SUCCESS in 36m 17s (non-voting)
      * check-tempest-dsvm-full-icehouse
        SUCCESS in 53m 05s
      * check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-icehouse
        SUCCESS in 57m 28s

    on the offending patches (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94166/)

    Infra patch that added these tests:

    Heat-proper would have continued working fine with novaclient
    2.18.0. The regression was with raising novaclient exceptions,
    which is only required in our unit tests. I saw this break coming
    and switched to raising via from_response

    Unit tests tend to deal with more internals of client libraries
    just for mocking purposes, and there have been multiple breaks in
    unit tests for heat and horizon when client libraries make
    internal changes.

    This could be avoided if the client gate jobs run the unit tests
    for the projects which consume them.

That may work but isn't this exactly what integration testing is for?
If you mean tempest then no, this is different.

Client projects have done a good job of keeping their public library
APIs stable. An exception type is public API, but the constructor for
raising that type arguably is more of a gray area since only the client
library should be raising its own exceptions.

However heat and horizon unit tests need to raise client exceptions to
test their own error condition handling, so exception constructors could
be considered public API, but only for unit test mocking in other projects.

This problem couldn't have been caught in an integration test because
nothing outside the unit tests directly raises a client exception.

There have been other breakages where internal client library changes
have broken the mocking in our unit tests (I recall a neutronclient
internal refactor).

In many cases the cause may be inappropriate mocking in the unit tests,
but that is cold comfort when the gates break when a client library is

Maybe we can just start with adding heat and horizon to the check jobs
of the clients they consume, but the following should also be considered:
grep "python-.*client" */requirements.txt

This could give client libraries more confidence that internal changes
don't break anything, and allows them to fix mocking in other projects
before their changes land.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

I don't think we should have to change the gate jobs just so that other projects can test against the internals of their dependent clients, that sounds like a flawed unit test design to me.

Looking at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/97977/22/heat/tests/v1_1/fakes.py for example, why is a fake_exception needed to mock out novaclient's NotFound exception? A better way to do this is that whatever is expecting to raise the NotFound should use mock with a side_effect to raise novaclient.exceptions.NotFound, then mock handles the spec being set on the mock and you don't have to worry about the internal construction of the exception class in your unit tests.



Matt Riedemann

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