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On 16/07/14 01:50, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:
> On Jul 15, 2014, at 3:30 PM, Ihar Hrachyshka <ihrac...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> Signed PGP part On 14/07/14 22:48, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:
>>> On Jul 13, 2014, at 9:29 AM, Ihar Hrachyshka
>>> <ihrac...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> Signed PGP part On 12/07/14 03:17, Mike Bayer wrote:
>>>>> On 7/11/14, 7:26 PM, Carl Baldwin wrote:
>>>>>> On Jul 11, 2014 5:32 PM, "Vishvananda Ishaya" 
>>>>>> <vishvana...@gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:vishvana...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I have tried using pymysql in place of mysqldb and in
>>>>>>> real world
>>>>> concurrency
>>>>>>> tests against cinder and nova it performs slower. I
>>>>>>> was inspired by
>>>>> the mention
>>>>>>> of mysql-connector so I just tried that option
>>>>>>> instead.
>>>>> Mysql-connector seems
>>>>>>> to be slightly slower as well, which leads me to
>>>>>>> believe that the
>>>>> blocking inside of
>>>>>> Do you have some numbers?  "Seems to be slightly slower" 
>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>> really stand up as an argument against the numbers that
>>>>> have been posted in this thread.
>>> Numbers are highly dependent on a number of other factors, but
>>> I was seeing 100 concurrent list commands against cinder going
>>> from an average of 400 ms to an average of around 600 ms with
>>> both msql-connector and pymsql.
>> I've made my tests on neutron only, so there is possibility that 
>> cinder works somehow differently.
>> But, those numbers don't tell a lot in terms of considering the 
>> switch. Do you have numbers for mysqldb case?
> Sorry if my commentary above was unclear. The  400ms is mysqldb. 
> The 600ms average was the same for both the other options.
>>> It is also worth mentioning that my test of 100 concurrent
>>> creates from the same project in cinder leads to average
>>> response times over 3 seconds. Note that creates return before
>>> the request is sent to the node for processing, so this is just
>>> the api creating the db record and sticking a message on the
>>> queue. A huge part of the slowdown is in quota reservation
>>> processing which does a row lock on the project id.
>> Again, are those 3 seconds better or worse than what we have for
>> mysqldb?
> The 3 seconds is from mysqldb. I don?t have average response times
> for mysql-connector due to the timeouts I mention below.
>>> Before we are sure that an eventlet friendly backend ?gets rid
>>> of all deadlocks?, I will mention that trying this test
>>> against connector leads to some requests timing out at our load
>>> balancer (5 minute timeout), so we may actually be introducing
>>> deadlocks where the retry_on_deadlock operator is used.
>> Deadlocks != timeouts. I attempt to fix eventlet-triggered db 
>> deadlocks, not all possible deadlocks that you may envision, or
>> timeouts.
> That may be true, but if switching the default is trading one
> problem for another it isn?t necessarily the right fix. The timeout
> means that one or more greenthreads are never actually generating a
> response. I suspect and endless retry_on_deadlock between a couple
> of competing greenthreads which we don?t hit with mysqldb, but it
> could be any number of things.
>>> Consider the above anecdotal for the moment, since I can?t
>>> verify for sure that switching the sql driver didn?t introduce
>>> some other race or unrelated problem.
>>> Let me just caution that we can?t recommend replacing our
>>> mysql backend without real performance and load testing.
>> I agree. Not saying that the tests are somehow complete, but here
>> is what I was into last two days.
>> There is a nice openstack project called Rally that is designed
>> to allow easy benchmarks for openstack projects. They have four
>> scenarios for neutron implemented: for networks, ports, routers,
>> and subnets. Each scenario combines create and list commands.
>> I've run each test with the following runner settings: times =
>> 100, concurrency = 10, meaning each scenario is run 100 times in
>> parallel, and there were not more than 10 parallel scenarios
>> running. Then I've repeated the same for times = 100, concurrency
>> = 20 (also set max_pool_size to 20 to allow sqlalchemy utilize
>> that level of parallelism), and times = 1000, concurrency = 100
>> (same note on sqlalchemy parallelism).
>> You can find detailed html files with nice graphs here [1].
>> Brief description of results is below:
>> 1. create_and_list_networks scenario: for 10 parallel workers 
>> performance boost is -12.5% from original time, for 20 workers
>> -6.3%, for 100 workers there is a slight reduction of average
>> time spent for scenario +9.4% (this is the only scenario that
>> showed slight reduction in performance, I'll try to rerun the
>> test tomorrow to see whether it was some discrepancy when I
>> executed it that influenced the result).
>> 2. create_and_list_ports scenario: for 10 parallel workers boost
>> is -25.8%, for 20 workers it's -9.4%, and for 100 workers it's
>> -12.6%.
>> 3. create_and_list_routers scenario: for 10 parallel workers
>> boost is -46.6% (almost half of original time), for 20 workers
>> it's -51.7% (more than a half), for 100 workers it's -41.5%.
>> 4. create_and_list_subnets scenario: for 10 parallel workers
>> boost is -26.4%, for 20 workers it's -51.1% (more than half
>> reduction in time spent for average scenario), and for 100
>> workers it's -31.7%.
>> I've tried to check how it scales till 200 parallel workers, but
>> was hit by local file opened limits and mysql max_connection
>> settings. I will retry my tests with limits raised tomorrow to
>> see how it handles that huge load.
>> Tomorrow I will also try to test new library with multiple API
>> workers.
>> Other than that, what are your suggestions on what to
>> check/test?
> Testing other projects in addition seems very important. Make sure
> that improving neutron isn?t going to kill cinder and nova.
A bit of updates. So today I've tried to run Cinder scenarios
available in Rally with both drivers.

1. CinderVolumes.create_and_delete_volume scenario:
- - with 2 parallel workers: 21.712 sec (mysqldb), 22.881 sec
(mysqlconnector), performance drop = -5.4%
- - with 5 parallel workers: 53.549 sec (mysqldb), 50.948 sec
(mysqlconnector), performance gain = +4.9%
- - with 10 parallel workers: 114.664 sec (mysqldb), 109.838 sec
(mysqlconnector), performance gain = +4.2%

2. CinderVolumes.create_and_list_volume scenario:
- - with 2 parallel workers: 2.554 sec (mysqldb), 2.556 sec
(mysqlconnector), performance drop = 0%
- - with 5 parallel workers: 2.889 sec (mysqldb), 3.107 sec
(mysqlconnector), performance drop = -7.5%
- - with 10 parallel workers: 9.729 sec (mysqldb), 4.395 sec
(mysqlconnector), performance gain = +54.8% (sic!)

3. CinderVolumes.create_volume scenario:
- - with 2 parallel workers: 2.65 sec (mysqldb), 2.48 sec
(mysqlconnector), performance gain = +6.4%
- - with 5 parallel workers: 2.807 sec (mysqldb), 3.341 sec
(mysqlconnector), performance drop = -19% (sic!)
- - with 10 parallel workers: 7.472 sec (mysqldb), 5.02 sec
(mysqlconnector), performance gain = +32.8% (sic!)

For some reason, results are somewhat random. There is no that clear
trend for performance gains as observed in Neutron, though still, on
average, mysql-connector seems to work better.

Tomorrow I'll try Nova tests, and will return to Neutron testing
multiple API workers there.

Note: I still failed to reach MySQL Connector author. If I will fail
to do so, we may reconsider other driver, like pymysql.

> Vish
>> FYI: [1] contains the following directories:
>> mysqlconnector/ mysqldb/
>> Each of them contains the following directories: 10-10/ - 10
>> parallel workers, max_pool_size = 10 (default) 20-100/ - 20
>> parallel workers, max_pool_size = 100 100-100/ - 100 parallel
>> workers, max_pool_size = 100
>> Happy analysis!
>> [1]: http://people.redhat.com/~ihrachys/
>> /Ihar
>>> Vish
>>>>>>> sqlalchemy is not the main bottleneck across projects.
>>>>>>> Vish
>>>>>>> P.S. The performanace in all cases was abysmal, so 
>>>>>>> performance work
>>>>> definitely
>>>>>>> needs to be done, but just the guess that replacing
>>>>>>> our mysql
>>>>> library is going to
>>>>>>> solve all of our performance problems appears to be 
>>>>>>> incorrect at
>>>>> first blush.
>>>>>> The motivation is still mostly deadlock relief but more 
>>>>>> performance
>>>>> work should be done.  I agree with you there.  I'm still 
>>>>> hopeful for some improvement from this.
>>>>> To identify performance that's alleviated by async you have
>>>>> to establish up front that IO blocking is the issue, which
>>>>> would entail having code that's blazing fast until you
>>>>> start running it against concurrent connections, at which
>>>>> point you can identify via profiling that IO operations are
>>>>> being serialized. This is a very specific issue.
>>>>> In contrast, to identify why some arbitrary openstack app
>>>>> is slow, my bet is that async is often not the big issue.
>>>>> Every day I look at openstack code and talk to people
>>>>> working on things,  I see many performance issues that have
>>>>> nothing to do with concurrency, and as I detailed in my
>>>>> wiki page at 
>>>>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_and_SQLAlchemy
>>>>> there is a long road to cleaning up all the excessive
>>>>> queries, hundreds of unnecessary rows and columns being
>>>>> pulled over the network, unindexed lookups, subquery joins,
>>>>> hammering of Python-intensive operations (often due to the
>>>>> nature of OS apps as lots and lots of tiny API calls) that
>>>>> can be cached. There's a clear path to tons better
>>>>> performance documented there and most of it is not about
>>>>> async  - which means that successful async isn't going to
>>>>> solve all those issues.
>>>> Of course there is a long road to decent performance, and 
>>>> switching a library won't magically fix all out issues. But
>>>> if it will fix deadlocks, and give 30% to 150% performance
>>>> boost for different operations, and since the switch is
>>>> almost smooth, this is something worth doing.
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