Do you have a repo with the code that is visible to the public?

What does the /etc/neutron/vpn_agent.ini look like?

Can you put the log output of the actual error messages seen?


PCM (Paul Michali)

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On Jul 16, 2014, at 2:43 PM, Julio Carlos Barrera Juez 
<> wrote:

> I am fighting with this for months. I want to develop a VPN Neutron plugin, 
> but it is almost impossible to realize how to achieve it. this is a thread I 
> opened months ago and Paul Mchali helped me a lot: 
> I want to know the minimum requirements to develop a device driver and a 
> service driver for a VPN Neutron plugin. I tried adding an empty device 
> driver and I got this error:
> DeviceDriverImportError: Can not load driver 
> Both Python file and class exists, but the implementation is empty. What is 
> the problem? What I need to include in this file/class to avoid this error?
> Thank you.
> Julio C. Barrera Juez  
> Office phone: (+34) 93 357 99 27 (ext. 527)
> Office mobile phone: (+34) 625 66 77 26
> Distributed Applications and Networks Area (DANA)
> i2CAT Foundation, Barcelona
> _______________________________________________
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

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