

On 26 Jun 2014, at 20:20, Clint Byrum <cl...@fewbar.com> wrote:
> we should just have a file in /var/run that


> I think we should focus just on "how do we re-assert state?".

... for the reboot case, we could have os-collect-config check for the presence 
of the /var/run file when it starts, if it doesn't find it, unconditionally 
call o-r-c and then write out the file. Given that we're starting o-c-c on 
boot, this seems like a fairly simple way to get o-r-c to run on boot (and one 
that could be trivially disabled by configuration or just dumbly pre-creating 
the /var/run file).

> Whenever a new version is detected, os-collect-config would set a value
> in the environment that informs the command "this is a new version of

I like the idea of exposing the fact that a new config version has arrived, to 
o-r-c scripts, but...

>  if !service X status ; then service X start

... I always worry when I see suggestions to have periodic state-assertion 
tasks take care of starting services that are not running, but in this case I 
will try to calm my nerves with the knowledge that service(1) is almost 
certainly talking to a modern init which is perfectly capable of supervising 
daemons :D



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