We were recently having a discussion over here in trove regarding a
standardized format to use for log and error messages - obviously
consistency is ideal (within and across projects). As this discussion
involves the broader dev community, bringing this topic to the list for
I'm aware of the logging standards wiki[1], however this page does not
describe in depth a standardized format to use for log / error messages.
In particular w/r/t program values in messages:
(a) For in-line program values, I've seen both single quoted and
unquoted formatting used. e.g.
single quote: LOG.info("The ID '%s' is not invalid." % (resource.id))
unquoted: LOG.info("The ID %s is not valid." % (resource.id))
(b) For program values appended to the message, I've seen various
formats used. e.g.
LOG.info("This path is invalid: %s" % (obj.path))
LOG.info("This path is invalid %s" % (obj.path))
LOG.info("This path is invalid - %s" % (obj.path))
From a consistency perspective, it seems we should consider
standardizing a best practice for such formatting.
For in-line values (#a above) I find single quotes the most consumable
as they are a clear indication the value came from code and moreover
provide a clear set of delimiters around the value. However to date
unquoted appears to be the most widely used.
For appended values (#b above) I find a delimiter such as ':' most
consumable as it provides a clear boundary between the message and
value. Using ':' seems fairly common today, but you'll find other
formatting throughout the code.
If we wanted to squash this topic the high level steps are (approximately):
- Determine and document message format.
- Ensure the format is part of the dev process (coding + review).
- Cross team work to address existing messages not following the format.
Thoughts / comments?
[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/LoggingStandards
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